redrocksgirl Profiilin Tiedot

SINGLE MOM - Looking for the real deal
Nainen Hae A Miestä
Ikä 60 Kaupungista Show Low, Arizona
Kirjautunut sisään - Yli 2 viikkoa sitten
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Perus Informaatio

    Osaan puhua: Englanti
    Kuvailisin itseäni: Chemistry, Commom Values, Communication and Commitment !! I'm passionate about what and who I love. I can start off kind of quiet and shy but once I get to know people I'm pretty outgoing. I can be serious but can laugh at myself too. I try to have a very positive outlook and attitude and have a low tolerance for negativity. I laugh - A LOT ! I'm looking for someone who is interested in a long-term/permanent relationship. Finding love and a life partner is my goal. Being with me is not for the faint-of-heart and no one has ever used the word "Passive" to describe me. I think I'm being very honest about who I am and who I'm looking for. (*Because of my job - I am not able to relocate at this time). I come with 2 adult kids (who live away from home) an unexpected but adored 4 y/o granddaughter who I have full custody of, which has made me a mommy again. And always numerous pets at home. I'm not a gourmet cook (too many other things to do ! ) but am a heck of a housekeeper. I love going to National Parks, hiking, the ocean, anything outdoors, drives to enjoy the scenery, and going to dinner and an occasional movie. Don't mind watching a little football on tv. And anything with animals/wildlife. I have a pretty wide range of interests. Everything is more fun when you have someone to share it with. I'm pretty adaptable. I work hard and am not afraid to get dirty. I'm not fancy but can clean up ok. I don't look like a barbie doll or a supermodel. My hands have callouses and I have some "smile lines" around my eyes. I'm about 38x29x36. Muscles and curves. I'm honest, faithful, opinionated and I like to get things done. But am also a good listener. I am outgoing, direct, quick to laugh, caring and loving. I'm a very positive person. I have learned to be independent and strong but that doesn't mean I want to be that way all the time. Type A - for sure - and looking for that man who can bring me back to earth and allows me to exhale....... I have been a nature/wildlife lover my whole life and with my Zoology degree I get to be a biologist and work with bats. I'm not one of those women who screams and runs when she sees a mouse, snake, spider etc... But I might very well push you out of the way to run towards it. The environment matters to me. I have been a wildlife rehabilitator and veterinary tech so I have great love, respect and compassion for all animals. Even though that's not the job I get paid to do. I am a long time federal employee in wildland fire. My special skill/interest is aircraft/aviation dispatching (helicopters and airtankers). I have lived all over the West and drove from Arizona to Alaska (The ALCAN) to fight fire/dispatch in AK. As a wildland firefighter (back when I was young and thought I was invincible) and now as a dispatch manager, I've had the opportunity to visit alot of states. I love my job and I think what I do matters - but I try not to let it run my life. The man I'm looking for can't wait to see me at the beginning and end of the day and will greet me with hugs, kisses, smiles and laughter. He will hold my hand just because he wants to and will include me in his circle of family and friends. He won't be jealous of the men I work with and will trust me as I expect to trust him. He will appreciate that I work hard at my job and at home. He will love me even when I'm covered in mud or look like heck because I've a less than awesome day. He will be honest and faithful. He will accept my granddaughter fully and love her as his own. You should also be able to string words together to form coherent/intelligent sentences etc.....And a good working knowledge of personal hygiene is a must. I'll ride in your truck, on the back of your Harley, on your horses, go hiking in the mountains, swim in the ocean..... all the things I love to do but am tired of doing alone - and am ready and willing to go on adventures with you.
    Kirjaudu: Oinas

Ulkonäkö ja Tilanne

    Vartalonmallini on: Keskiverto
    Pituuteni on: 5' 0 (1.52 m)
    Silmienvärini on: Ruskea
    Etninen taustani on: Valkoihoinen
    Aviosäätyni on: Sinkku
    Minulla on lapsia: Kyllä - Kotona
    Haluan lapsia: En ole varma
    Paras puoleni on: Hymy
    Ulkonäkö: Lävistetty... Mutta vain korvista
    Hiukseni ovat: Kastanjanruskea / Punainen
    Minulla on yksi tai kaksi tällaista: Kissa, Koira, Eksoottinen eläin, Jyrsijä
    Olen valmis muuttamaan: Ei


    Koulutukseni taso on: Ylioppilas
    Työllisyys tilanteeni on: Kokopäiväinen
    Erikoistun: Muu
    Työ tittelini on: Fire Dispatch Center Manager
    Tuloni per vuosi: $60,000USD - $74,999USD
    Asun: Lapsen / Lasten kanssa
    Kotona: Kaikki on rauhallista
    Tupakoin: Ei
    Juon: Ei


    Yläasteella olin: Urheilullinen
    Sosiaalinen käyttäytymiseni: Riehakas, Aina menossa
    Kiinnostuksen kohteet ja Harrastukseni ovat: Telttailu, Perhe, Puutarhanhoito, Urheilu, Matkustaminen, Vapaaehtoistoiminta
    Käsitykseni mukavasta ajanvietteestä on: Rentoutuminen, Kotona oleskelu, Elokuvat, Uusien asioiden kokeilu
    Unelma treffini olisivat: Drive/hike/dinner/maybe a movie
    Olen aina halunnut kokeilla: Skydiving and I'd like to learn how to dance
    Kaverini kuvailevat minun olevan: Ystävällinen


    Uskontoni on: Ateisti
    Käyn säännöllisesti: Ei koskaan
    Tavoitteeni elämässäni on: To do as many good things as I can
    Minun tapainen huumori on: Ystävällinen


    Televisiosta katson: Uutiset, Dokumentit
    Kun menen elokuviin, lähden katsomaan: Toiminta, Komedia, Romanssi, Perhe
    Kun kuuntelen musiikkia, kuuntelen aina: Country musiikki
    Kun luen, luen aina: Koti & Puutarha, Luonto, Tiede


    Mikä sinua vetää puoleensa?: Kaljuus, Empatia, Flirttaileva, Hyvä ulkonäkö, Hyvät taidot, Huumori, Viisaus, Herkkyys, Spontaanisuus, Ajattelevaisuus, Nokkela
    Minkälaista suhdetta etsit?: Päivämäärä, Intiimi, Sitoutunut
